
通过镀膜技术和设计优化,Wintop车载摄像头镜头可以提高图像的灵敏度,有效减少图像失真,减少眩光和杂散光对成像的影响。它用摄像头和屏幕取代了传统的金属后视镜。原理很简单。摄像头捕捉车后图像,通过硬件和软件系统进行处理,并显示在屏幕上,让驾驶员看到车后的实时图像。同时CMS可集成盲点预警、障碍物预警等功能, 促进发展 高级驾驶辅助系统 (ADAS).
安防监控镜头是安全防范系统的重要组成部分,是一种先进、防范性强的综合系统配件。可以实时监控并直接查看被监控场所的所有情况。这包括央视 监视 系统、视频监控系统、防盗报警系统、停车场管理系统、楼宇对讲系统、小区一卡通系统、周界报警系统、电子巡更系统、紧急广播系统、电梯控制系统等。
车辆 环视镜头(也称为汽车 环视/全景镜头)旨在为驾驶员提供 360 度的周围环境视图。他们使用策略性地放置在汽车周围的多个摄像头来鸟瞰车辆周围的环境。当在能见度有限的区域停车、倒车或行驶时,这尤其有用。
行车记录仪镜头(也称为 DVR/行车记录仪镜头)是一种记录车辆行驶过程中的图像、声音和其他方面信息的摄像头镜头。安装行车记录仪镜头后,可以记录汽车行驶全过程的视频图像和声音,为交通事故提供证据。行车记录仪镜头可以客观记录机动车事故发生前驾驶员的操作过程,有效提供事故发生前、事故中、事故后驾驶员的各种反应以及外部环境的变化。
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凭借在光学镜头领域超过 15 年的专注服务,云泰光学 积累了丰富的知识和专业知识。通过始终如一地提供高质量的镜头和提供卓越的服务,云泰光学 已被定位为首选的镜头供应商。  


Lens application case 07-iRobot sweeping robot
With the rapid development of smart home technology, sweeping robot has become one of the standard fittings of families. As a pioneer in the robot cleaning industry, iRobot sweeping robot not only completely changes the way of cleaning, but also brings a more convenient home experience for efficient consumers. With the further development of artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things (IoT), iRobot's sweeping robot is transforming from a single cleaning device to a smart home steward. The iRobot projects all use YT-7065-F8 lenses developed by Wento Optics, highlighting the company's contribution to the development of vacuum cleaning robots focused on customer home cleaning. The iRobot vacuum cleaner lens is part of an advanced vacuum cleaner that monitors every corner of the home. The iRobot sweeping robot lens can focus on all the stains on the floor to ensure that customers have a clean home. Wintop Optics' YT-7065-F8 lens has been adopted by the iRobot vacuum cleaner project. YT-7065-F8
镜头在割草机上的应用可以提供更好的用户体验和操作精度。通过在割草机上安装镜头,用户可以获得以下解决方案:智能路径规划: 镜头可以捕捉周围环境的图像,使用 高分辨率特征 和图像识别算法来确定最佳割草路径。割草机能够分析图像中的障碍物并避开它们,使割草过程更加高效和精确,这很神奇,就像一个带镜头的智能机器人。避免损坏花坛和割伤路过的儿童: 通过镜头的实时图像反馈,割草机可以检测花坛、石头和人的位置,并相应调整割草路径,避免对其造成损坏。很难不爱上这样的人 安全相机镜头自动调节割草高度: 的相机镜头 M12刺刀 可以监测草坪的实际情况,并根据草的生长情况和用户设定的所需高度自动调整割草机的割草高度。这样割草机就可以对不同区域、不同草长进行自适应割草,保持草坪干净、均匀。故障诊断及维修技巧: 镜头可以捕捉割草机的工作状态和部件,并将图像数据传输给用户或维护人员。通过分析这些图像数据,可以提前发现潜在的故障或维护需求,并及时采取措施,提高割草机的可靠性和寿命。总体而言,镜头在割草机上的应用可以提升割草机的性能和体验,通过图像识别、实时图像等技术提供智能路径规划、损伤避免、割草高度自动调节、故障诊断和维护提示等解决方案。 -及时反馈。 
Wintop Optics行车记录仪镜头YT-1684在零跑汽车的成功应用   在汽车安全与智能技术领域,Wintop Optics以其卓越的光学产品--车载镜头而闻名。YT-1684镜头作为公司的一款高质量行车记录仪镜头,已成功应用于零跑汽车,提升了车辆的智能监控系统。   产品特点: 高清晰度:YT-1684镜头采用高质量的光学玻璃,确保图像清晰,色彩真实。 广角视野:提供超过100度的广角视野,清晰记录行车路况。   零跑汽车案例: 零跑汽车,作为一家领先的新能源汽车制造商,致力于提供高科技、智能化的驾驶体验。在与Wintop Optics合作后,零跑汽车在其生产车型中集成了YT-1684行车记录仪镜头。   成功要素: 安全升级:YT-1684镜头的高清晰度和超广角视野显著提升了驾驶安全,帮助驾驶员更好地监控周围环境。 智能集成:镜头与零跑汽车的智能驾驶辅助系统无缝集成,提供实时路况分析和预警。 用户反馈:用户对YT-1684镜头的性能表示高度满意,特别是其记录行车路况中的清晰成像效果表现。   市场影响: YT-1684镜头的引入不仅增强了零跑汽车的市场竞争力,也推动了整个汽车行业的技术进步。Wintop Optics与零跑汽车的合作被视为智能汽车技术发展的一个里程碑。   未来展望: 随着自动驾驶和车联网技术的发展,Wintop Optics的YT-1684镜头有望在未来的车辆安全和监控系统中发挥更大的作用,为驾驶者提供更加全面和智能化的驾驶体验。
案例 05--一汽解放
一汽解放已使用云泰光学的多款汽车后视环视镜头,包括YT-7596、YT-7054、YT-7047。这些应用展示了Wintop产品系列的多功能性及其对各种汽车应用的适用性,增强了车辆的后视和环视能力。各种摄像头镜头,包括后视和环视镜头的应用,对于增强安全性和安全性起着至关重要的作用。重型卡车运输效率。 盲点监控镜头:这些镜头是先进驾驶员辅助系统 (ADAS) 的一部分,可监控卡车的盲点,尤其是在变道期间。通过向驾驶员提供实时警报,这些系统显着提高了道路安全。盲点监控系统中使用的镜头通常具有高分辨率并且具有宽视野以覆盖必要的区域。 自适应巡航控制 (ACC) 和车道保持辅助 (LKA) 镜头:这些镜头用于帮助保持安全跟随距离并使卡车保持在车道内的系统。它们配备了先进的传感器,可以检测前方车辆的速度和位置,从而使卡车能够相应地调整速度。
云泰光学 的 YT-7610 型号镜头被麦格纳的侧视和 ADAS(高级驾驶员辅助系统)项目选中。此次合作证明了 Wintop 有能力提供镜头,支持开发旨在提高车辆安全和驾驶辅助的复杂系统。 汽车侧视镜头用于盲点检测和变道辅助,为驾驶员提供相邻车道的清晰视野。 ADAS 镜头是自适应巡航控制、车道偏离警告和防撞系统等各种安全功能不可或缺的一部分。他们使用摄像头和传感器收集有关车辆周围环境的数据。麦格纳选择 云泰光学 的 YT-7610 型号镜头用于其侧视和 ADAS 项目,展示了该镜头支持这些先进系统的能力。
案例03--问界M9 镜头
华为车载DMS(驾驶员监控系统)和OMS(乘员监控系统)项目受益于云泰光学开发的YT-7600模型镜头。此次采用凸显了该公司在推动关注驾驶员和乘客安全的尖端汽车技术方面的作用。 汽车DMS/OMS(驾驶员监控系统/乘员监控系统)镜头是先进安全系统的一部分,可监控驾驶员的注意力和车内乘客的状态。 DMS 镜头聚焦于驾驶员的面部,以检测疲劳或分心的迹象,而 OMS 镜头则监视乘员,以确保安全气囊等安全功能正确展开。云泰光学的YT-7600型号镜头已被华为的汽车项目采用,凸显了其对这些复杂监控系统的适用性。
该公司的YT-7065车型全景车载镜头被吉利汽车采用,彰显了云泰光学为全景等现代车辆功能提供先进成像解决方案的能力,增强了驾驶体验和安全性。 全景摄像镜头用于车辆中,可提供汽车周围 360 度的视野,这对于在狭小空间内停车和操纵特别有用。该镜头可捕捉广角视图,与图像拼接软件结合使用时,可创建无缝的全景图像。 云泰光学的YT-7065型号就是此类镜头的一个例子,该镜头已在吉利汽车上成功实施。
云泰光学开发设计了YT-7042车型汽车环视后视镜镜头,完美满足丰田泰国工厂的要求。此次合作展示了 Wintop 制造符合领先汽车制造商严格标准的专用镜头的能力。 后视镜镜头是任何车辆的关键部件,为驾驶员提供清晰的后方道路视野。该镜片旨在提供宽广的视野,通常具有防眩光和防雾等功能,以确保在所有条件下的可视性。就 云泰光学 的 YT-7042 型号而言,它是专门为满足丰田泰国等汽车制造商的严格要求而开发的,可确保高质量的成像和可靠性。  


Wintop Optics 致力于突破光学镜头技术的界限。作为一家具有前瞻性思维的镜头制造商,我们不断发展,采用新的光学技术来满足全球客户的多样化需求。 Wintop Optics 是您不断进步的合作伙伴。
Smart Home lens: A new option for home security and monitoring
In recent years, smart home technology is constantly developing and growing, among which smart home lens as an important part, with its high cost performance and high performance, has become a new choice for home security and monitoring. This article will introduce the types of smart home lenses and how they can meet People's Daily needs.   The main types of smart home lenses are: gun type, hemispherical, spherical, shaking head machine, card machine and hidden camera. These different types of camera structures and infrared light configurations are different and suitable for different application scenarios. For example, gun cameras are suitable for outdoor or high places for security monitoring; Hemispherical cameras are suitable for indoor installation, used to monitor home or office access; Shake head machine and card machine can be horizontal, vertical rotation and zoom monitoring, suitable for use in a large space; The concealed camera has good concealment and can be monitored without being detected.   Smart home lenses typically have high-definition picture quality, night vision, and storage capabilities. High-definition picture quality can provide clear images, easy for the monitor to observe the scene; Night vision can provide bright images at night, which is easy for monitors to monitor at night; The storage function can store the surveillance video locally or in the cloud, which is easy for the monitor to view at any time.   Smart home lenses can also be monitored remotely from a phone or computer. The monitor can view the surveillance video in real time through the mobile phone or computer, and can remotely control it through the mobile phone or computer, such as adjusting the Angle and focal length of the camera.   The application scenarios of smart home lenses are very wide, such as home security monitoring, office monitoring, shop monitoring, factory monitoring and so on. In the home security monitoring, the smart home lens can help the family owner to monitor the access of the family and prevent the occurrence of theft; In office monitoring, smart home lens can help business managers monitor the work of employees and improve work efficiency; In the store monitoring, the smart home lens can help the business monitor the operation of the store and prevent the occurrence of theft; In factory monitoring, smart home lenses can help factory managers monitor production and improve production efficiency.   In short, as an important part of smart home technology, smart home lens has become a new choice for home security and monitoring with its high cost performance and high performance. With the continuous development and growth of smart home technology, the application scenarios of smart home lenses will be more extensive, bringing more convenience and security to people's lives.
Nov 16,2024 查看更多
Development direction and market prospect of optical lens
With the continuous progress of science and technology, the optical lens industry has made remarkable development in the direction of high performance, miniaturization and intelligence. According to market research data, the global optical lens market size is about 22.5 billion US dollars in 2023, and is expected to exceed 34 billion US dollars in 2028, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.5% [Source: Market research agency data]. Optical lenses are widely used in the fields of smart phones, security monitoring, autonomous driving and smart home, and the continued growth of these high-demand areas is driving the rapid expansion of the optical lens market. This paper will deeply discuss the main technical development direction and future trend of optical lenses.   First, the high performance of optical lenses The improvement of optical lens performance is the key to the core competitiveness of the optical industry. In the consumer electronics and automotive sectors, the demand for high resolution, high light transmission and low light performance of lenses is increasing. According to statistics, the average resolution of the global smartphone camera in 2023 reached 64 MP, and the on-board camera of high-end models reached about 150 MP, reflecting the continuous growth of the market demand for high-resolution optical lenses [Source: Smartphone and Automotive Market analysis].   High resolution and large aperture design: In terms of high resolution camera technology, with the popularity of sensors above 1 inch, lens design needs to have higher resolution and large aperture to match sensor performance. For example, in security cameras, large aperture designs (such as f/1.8 and lower) can improve light absorption at night and improve imaging in low light. Anti-glare and multi-layer coating technology: The latest anti-glare and multi-layer coating technologies, such as VIKUITI® coating, can reduce glare by up to 95% and improve contrast. This is crucial in the field of in-car cameras and outdoor surveillance, enabling the lens to provide clear images in high-light reflective environments. Second, lens miniaturization and lightweight With the increasing demand for portable devices and unmanned equipment, miniaturization and lightweight have become an important development direction for optical lenses. According to statistics, the global micro optical lens market is expected to reach 8 billion US dollars in 2025, with an annual growth rate of nearly 10% [Source: Micro lens Market Analysis]. Smart phones, drones, robots and other devices on the lens size and weight requirements are increasing year by year, prompting the design of optical lenses tend to miniaturize.   Miniature lenses and modular design: Miniaturization and modular design help optical lenses to be more easily integrated into smart devices, such as in the latest smartphone camera modules, micro-lenses are stacked and arranged to achieve integrated imaging functions of telephoto, wide Angle and ultra-wide Angle in a limited space. Lightweight materials and low power design: In micro devices such as wearables, the weight and power consumption of optical lenses become important factors affecting the user experience. The lightweight aspherical lens and low-power lens control chip design can reduce battery consumption by more than 10% and extend the battery life of the device. Third, intelligent and automated functions In recent years, optical lenses have continuously integrated AI and automation technology in the field of image processing, so that the lens has intelligent perception, object recognition and adaptive scene functions. According to the data, the AI-driven optical lens market is expected to reach $5 billion by 2028, with an annual growth rate of more than 12% [Source: AI Optical Lens Market Analysis]. This enhancement of intelligent capabilities is particularly applicable to areas such as autonomous driving, smart home and security monitoring. Autofocus and face recognition technology: Many of the latest optical lenses are equipped with machine learning-based autofocus and face recognition capabilities with an accuracy of more than 98%. In security and intelligent access control, the lens can automatically track moving objects and identify them, greatly improving security efficiency. Depth perception and 3D modeling: Lenses equipped with 3D TOF (Time of Flight) sensors can capture depth information in real time, playing a key role in robot visual navigation, unmanned ranging, 3D modeling and other fields. For example, current depth-sensing technology can identify object distances with millimeter-level accuracy, helping autonomous driving systems detect obstacles more precisely. Fourth, future trend: multi-function integration and low-cost manufacturing Multifunctional integration and low-cost manufacturing are the future development focus of optical lenses. Through innovative manufacturing techniques and the application of new materials, the cost of optical lenses is falling, while the functional integration is constantly improving. Market data shows that the annual growth rate of multi-function lenses is expected to reach 13% between 2023 and 2028, especially in the field of driverless and smart home [Source: Multi-function Lenses Market Research].   Multi-sensor integration: With the rise of emerging technologies such as 5G and the Internet of Things, multi-sensor integrated lenses are gradually becoming popular. In drones, robotics and other applications, lenses that integrate infrared, thermal, optical imaging and other functions can more efficiently acquire environmental information. Such lenses could also help autonomous vehicles better identify pedestrians, vehicles and other road information. Optical plastics and liquid lenses: The application of liquid lenses and optical plastic materials is reducing the manufacturing cost of optical lenses by about 20%. The liquid lens uses an electric field to control the focal length, which is fast and small, making it suitable for smartphones and small monitoring devices. Conclusion The future development direction of optical lenses will be deeply explored around high performance, intelligence and multi-function integration. Under the current global trend of increasing demand for smart devices and automation technology, the market potential for optical lenses is huge. The optical lens industry will continue to benefit from technological advancements and market expansion to provide better imaging solutions for future areas such as autonomous driving, smart home and smart security.  
Nov 16,2024 查看更多
监控摄像机镜头按工作方式分类:定焦镜头:用于监控固定场景,如出入口或停车场车道。旋转相机镜头:相机放置在旋转台上,可以左右旋转。球形相机镜头:可垂直旋转90度,水平旋转360度。通常放置在社区建筑的四个角落、中庭景观和第二门厅。球型摄像机镜头:一般放置在电梯或者比较美观的公共设施内。监控摄像机镜头性能分类:一般相机。低照度相机。红外摄像机。百万像素相机。监控摄像机镜头功能分类:红外夜视监控摄像机夜视功能采用红外传感技术,原理是任何物体都会散发热量,不同温度的物体散发出的热量不同。夜视功能收集这些信息并将其转换为视觉图像,可以清晰地呈现夜间的监控场景,适合夜间需要监控的场景。网络 安全监控摄像头网络摄像头是一种结合了传统摄像机和网络视频技术的前端设备。除了最新的网络摄像头功能外,它还具有数字压缩控制器和内置于机器中的基于网络的操作系统。视频数据经过压缩和加密后,通过局域网或无线网络发送给最终用户。防爆监控摄像机防爆摄像机属于防爆监控产品,因为常规摄像机产品无法在高危易燃易爆场所使用。具有防爆功能的摄像机以及国家主管部门颁发的相关证书均需具备防爆功能。适用于矿山和高风险场景。ADAS 摄像头镜头ADAS摄像头是指用于高级驾驶辅助系统(ADAS)的摄像头。作为关键的视觉传感器,它们可以捕获图像信息并通过深度处理将其转换为数字信号,从而实现前方碰撞预警、车道偏离预警、行人检测等ADAS功能。 闭路电视摄像机镜头闭路电视监控系统是采用世界先进的传感技术、监控摄像技术、通信技术和计算机技术组成的多功能、全方位监控高度智能化处理系统的跨行业综合安防系统。闭路电视监控系统可以给人们最直接的视觉和听觉体验,以及监控对象的可见性、实时性和客观记录。 智能家居设备监控摄像头镜头镜头技术在智能设备中的应用,极大地提升了智能设备的功能、图像质量和整体性能。视频会议摄像头、喂鸟器摄像头、扫描机器人摄像头、裁剪机摄像头、门铃面部识别摄像头、停车场摄像头、扫描摄像头等都依靠镜头来捕捉清晰、准确、高分辨率的图像。随着镜头技术的不断进步,我们可以预期这些智能设备的性能将得到更显着的改进,最终改变我们感知周围世界以及与周围世界互动的方式。监控摄像机镜头可分为:PTZ型(PTZ型一体化摄像机)如今,只有重型万向节可用。普通的云台机已被内置枪、长焦镜头、红外线或激光灯的球机所取代。主要应用于森林火灾监测、海平面、水利等远程监控系统,专业程度较高。枪式(枪式相机)枪型与单反相机机身类似,可以根据需要搭配镜头,所以功能灵活,可以搭配不同的镜头,可以配备红外灯、补光灯、雷达捕捉等功能,一般带有IO扩展接口,主要应用于道路监控等对摄像机要求较高的场景,也是云台内部使用的主要部件,专业程度较高。球型(球型相机)半球摄像机一般可以水平旋转360度,垂直旋转90度,适合对某一点进行全方位监控。一般较大的6、7寸球机适合在大型场景下使用,如工厂、农业、水利等工程环境。 3、4、5寸小球机,迷你小巧,适合购物和家庭使用。桶型集成红外灯,集成效果好,用于普通户外监控,防水较好,相对性价比高。推荐用于工厂、楼宇、住宅等环境的室外监控。半球形的一般集成红外灯、音响等功能,适合室内使用,外观美观紧凑,推荐在商店、室内等环境中使用。小型的适合家庭使用,集成红外灯、音响等功能,外观美观小巧,推荐家庭使用,参与企业多,选择范围广。 监控摄像机镜头按成像颜色分为:彩色相机:适合识别场景的细节,例如识别衣服或风景的颜色。信息量因颜色而增加,一般认为信息量是黑白相机的10倍。黑白摄像机:适用于夜间弱光地区和无法安装照明设备的区域。当仅监视场景的位置或移动时,可以选择比彩色摄像机分辨率更高的黑白摄像机。监控摄像机镜头根据摄像机灵敏度分为: 普通型:正常工作所需照度为1~3勒克斯。 月光型:正常工作所需照度约为0.1 LUX星光型:正常工作所需照度0.01LUX以下红外照明型:原则上可以是零照明,利用红外光源进行成像。选择监控摄像机时,应考虑以下因素:分辨率和图像质量:选择分辨率高、图像清晰的摄像机,以确保您能够捕获清晰的监控图像。视频存储和管理:了解摄像机如何存储和管理视频数据,例如通过本地存储、云存储或网络录像机 (NVR)。功能和特性:确定您的要求,例如夜视功能、运动检测、远程访问等,然后选择支持这些功能的摄像机。可靠耐用:选择可靠性高、耐用的相机,应对各种环境条件和日常使用。成本:考虑您的预算并选择适合您需求的相机。 
Oct 31,2024 查看更多
摄像头模组是指集成在手机、平板电脑、数码相机等设备中的焦距摄像镜头系统。它通常由多个部件组成,其中最重要的是成像镜头。相机镜头的功能是捕获光线并将其聚焦在图像传感器上,从而产生清晰的图像。以下是相机镜头的一些常见功能: 重点: 这 安全摄像机镜头 可以通过调整镜头元件的位置来改变焦距,使主体和背景保持清晰。一般来说,自动对焦功能可以根据拍摄场景自动调整对焦设置。 光圈: 光圈控制进入 CMOS 镜头的光量。它可以通过调节光圈大小来控制景深(前景和背景的清晰度)和曝光(图像的亮度)。更大的光圈可以实现浅景深,并在弱光条件下获得更好的拍摄效果。 焦距和变焦: 有些监控摄像机镜头具有可调焦距的功能,可以实现光学变焦。通过改变镜头对光线的聚焦程度,可以拍摄不同距离的被摄体,在拍摄远处的被摄体时可以缩小场景。 镜片镀膜: 带滤光片的镜片可以涂有特殊涂层,以减少光反射和散射,从而提高图像清晰度和对比度。这些涂层减少了光损失并提高了图像质量。 稳定(光学或电子): 一些 M12卡口镜头 具有图像稳定功能,可以抵消手持拍摄时的抖动,从而获得更稳定的图像。光学防抖利用镜头内部的防抖机构,而电子防抖则是依靠图像传感器的移动来实现稳定。 视野: 相机镜头的视野是指镜头可以拍摄的水平和垂直范围。一个 鱼眼广角镜头 可以拍摄更广阔的场景,而较小的视野则适合需要更多细节和放大倍数的场景。 这些功能可以通过相机模块中多个部件(例如镜头元件、对焦电机和光圈控制)的协调工作来实现。根据设备设计的目的,不同的相机模块可能具有不同的规格和功能。
Oct 29,2024 查看更多
广角镜头是一种焦距比标准镜头短、视角比标准镜头大、焦距比鱼眼镜头长、视角比鱼眼镜头小的摄影镜头。鱼眼相机镜头是指焦距在16mm以下、视角接近或等于180°的镜头。它是一款超广角镜头,并且“鱼眼镜头“是它的通用名称。两者的区别:视野: 鱼眼镜头的视野非常宽广,通常超过180度,可以拍摄非常广阔的场景,甚至呈现出鱼眼效果,即图像中心被拉伸,边缘被弯曲。广角镜头的视野通常在90度到120度之间,拍摄的场景更广阔,但不如鱼眼镜头那么宽广。 透视效果: 鱼眼镜头的镜头设计和视场比较特殊,拍摄到的图像会产生弯曲的透视效果,使图像中心的物体显得更大,而边缘的物体会被拉伸,产生独特的效果。影响。广角镜头也可以拍摄广阔的场景,但一般不会出现弯曲透视效果。 畸变效果: 鱼眼镜头有非常明显的畸变效果,图像呈现弧形,中心部分比较正常,但边缘部分会被拉伸、畸变。广角镜头的畸变影响比较小,图像的形状更接近现实。 焦距选择: 鱼眼镜头的焦距通常很短,通常在 8 毫米到 16 毫米之间,这使得它们能够捕捉非常广阔的场景。广角镜头的焦距相对较长,一般在20mm到35mm之间,有的镜头甚至超过50mm。 目的:广角镜头的应用实例:风景摄影:广角镜头可以拍摄广阔的天空、美丽的山脉、壮丽的海滩等广阔的场景。它可以帮助摄影师将更多的元素融入到画面中,打造广阔的风景效果。建筑摄影:广角镜头可以捕捉建筑物的大致轮廓和纹理,使其看起来更宏伟、更大。它允许摄影师在狭小的空间内拍摄整个建筑物,例如大教堂、摩天大楼或狭窄的街道。室内摄影:在室内环境中,广角镜头可以捕捉更多细节,适合拍摄室内设计、博物馆、画廊等室内场所。它们能够衬托出整个空间的气氛和布局。车载摄像头:通常安装在汽车的前部和后部,以增加驾驶员的视野并提高安全性。它可以变成后视监控摄像头镜头、汽车倒车辅助摄像头镜头、疲劳监控摄像头镜头、盲点检测镜头、行车记录仪摄像头镜头、驾驶员安全摄像头镜头。智能家居:广角镜头可用于 智能家居安防摄像头镜头。进行环境感知、实时定位跟踪,增强虚拟现实体验。  b.鱼眼镜头的应用实例:摄影和电影制作:鱼眼镜头经常用于摄影和电影制作,以捕捉非常广泛的风景或场景。广泛应用于体育赛事、旅游纪录片、户外运动dv镜头等领域,呈现独特、夸张的视觉效果。闭路电视摄像机:鱼眼镜头在交通监控系统中发挥着重要作用。安装在路口、停车场或监狱等区域,可以提供全方位的监控视野,从而增强安全和监控效果。天文学:天文学家使用鱼眼镜头观察天空,特别是捕捉整个天空星星的图像。这些相机镜头可捕捉广阔的天空视野,可用于研究星系、行星和星云等天体。科学研究和工业应用:鱼眼镜头在科学研究和工业应用中也发挥着重要作用。例如,它们用于航空监控、智能机器镜头视觉系统、无人机镜头导航和航空航天领域的其他应用。  
Oct 25,2024 查看更多
  • Smart Home lens: A new option for home security and monitoring
    In recent years, smart home technology is constantly developing and growing, among which smart home lens as an important part, with its high cost performance and high performance, has become a new choice for home security and monitoring. This article will introduce the types of smart home lenses and how they can meet People's Daily needs.   The main types of smart home lenses are: gun type, hemispherical, spherical, shaking head machine, card machine and hidden camera. These different types of camera structures and infrared light configurations are different and suitable for different application scenarios. For example, gun cameras are suitable for outdoor or high places for security monitoring; Hemispherical cameras are suitable for indoor installation, used to monitor home or office access; Shake head machine and card machine can be horizontal, vertical rotation and zoom monitoring, suitable for use in a large space; The concealed camera has good concealment and can be monitored without being detected.   Smart home lenses typically have high-definition picture quality, night vision, and storage capabilities. High-definition picture quality can provide clear images, easy for the monitor to observe the scene; Night vision can provide bright images at night, which is easy for monitors to monitor at night; The storage function can store the surveillance video locally or in the cloud, which is easy for the monitor to view at any time.   Smart home lenses can also be monitored remotely from a phone or computer. The monitor can view the surveillance video in real time through the mobile phone or computer, and can remotely control it through the mobile phone or computer, such as adjusting the Angle and focal length of the camera.   The application scenarios of smart home lenses are very wide, such as home security monitoring, office monitoring, shop monitoring, factory monitoring and so on. In the home security monitoring, the smart home lens can help the family owner to monitor the access of the family and prevent the occurrence of theft; In office monitoring, smart home lens can help business managers monitor the work of employees and improve work efficiency; In the store monitoring, the smart home lens can help the business monitor the operation of the store and prevent the occurrence of theft; In factory monitoring, smart home lenses can help factory managers monitor production and improve production efficiency.   In short, as an important part of smart home technology, smart home lens has become a new choice for home security and monitoring with its high cost performance and high performance. With the continuous development and growth of smart home technology, the application scenarios of smart home lenses will be more extensive, bringing more convenience and security to people's lives.
    Nov 16, 2024 消息
  • Professional Car Camera Lens Linked to Weed Surveillance Camera Lens
    Wintop Automotive Lens Linked to Weed Detecting Camera Lens       Although the application scenarios of weed surveillance cameras (such as those on agricultural drones or ground robots) and automobile optical lenses are different, there is a certain overlap in technical requirements and functional directions: 1. Common needs for environmental adaptability Weed surveillance camera requirements: It is necessary to adapt to a variety of outdoor environments (strong light, shadow, soil, water vapor), and has higher requirements for durability, waterproof and dustproof. Similarity: Both require high dynamic range (HDR) and excellent anti-reflection properties to cope with complex light conditions. 2. Demand for high resolution and intelligence Weed surveillance camera: The combination of high-resolution imaging and AI algorithms can identify crops and weeds and optimize agricultural production efficiency. Relevance point: Similar to the object detection function of ADAS, weed monitoring also needs to accurately identify targets (weeds, crops) and support real-time imaging and data processing. 3. The combination of miniaturization and lightweight design Weed monitoring equipment: Drone-mounted lenses need to reduce weight and energy consumption as much as possible, thus prolonging flight time. Relevance: In order to adapt to the narrow installation space, car lenses also need modularity and miniaturization design, and technology accumulation can be shared. 4. Cross-border application of intelligent processing technology Common features of weed surveillance lens and in-vehicle lens: Both need real-time image analysis and algorithm support. The deep learning technology in car lenses can be used for reference in agricultural scenes, such as fast image processing through edge computation.   The correlation between weed surveillance camera lens and automobile optical lens can be explained in depth from three aspects: technical requirements, application scenarios and future development trends:   1. Generality of technical requirements High Resolution and Fine Imaging Capabilities Weed monitoring requirements: High-resolution lenses enable accurate identification of crops and weeds, such as distinguishing color, texture and morphology differences through AI algorithms, providing accurate data to guide precision farming operations. Car lens correlation: In ADAS and automatic driving, in-vehicle lenses need to identify multiple targets (vehicles, pedestrians, road signs), and the resolution requirements range from high definition (1080p) to 4K and above, which is highly consistent with the target recognition technology required by weed monitoring. Environmental adaptability Weed monitoring requirements: Farmland environment usually has complex conditions of strong light, reflection, dust and water vapor. The lens should be waterproof, dustproof, glare-proof and adaptable to wide temperature area. Car lens correlation: In-vehicle lenses also need to work in extreme environments, such as rain and snow weather, high temperature (near the engine) or low temperature (cold areas). The two have direct technical commonalities in material selection, coating technology (such as anti-ultraviolet and anti-reflection) and sealing design. Miniaturization and Lightweight Weed monitoring requirements: Drones and robots usually have strict weight and size restrictions, and the lens needs to be small and light enough while maintaining high performance. Car lens correlation: Automotive lenses also need to adapt to limited installation space and cannot affect the weight of the whole vehicle. Modern in-vehicle lens modularity and aspherical design technologies can be directly applied to agricultural lenses. Multispectral and Near Infrared Technology Weed monitoring requirements: In agricultural scenes, infrared imaging is used to monitor plant health, and near infrared spectroscopy helps identify plant water content and growth status, distinguishing crops from weeds. Car lens correlation: In-vehicle lenses have been widely used in night vision systems with near-infrared technology and have the ability of multi-spectral expansion, which lays a foundation for infrared and multi-spectral imaging technology of agricultural lenses.     2. Linkages of application scenarios Real-time monitoring and image processing Weed monitoring camera: It is necessary to capture real-time images and combine AI algorithms to complete weed recognition and distribution mapping, which has technical similarities with in-vehicle ADAS camera real-time scene analysis (such as lane departure warning). For example, edge computation technology commonly used in in-vehicle lenses can transplant the processing power of real-time monitoring data to agricultural equipment, enabling drones or ground robots to operate efficiently. Object detection and environment awareness In farmland, weed monitoring cameras need to adapt to changes in different topography and vegetation density, and quickly sense the location and coverage of target plants. Car lenses need to deal with road environment (e.g. curves, slopes) and dynamic targets (pedestrians, vehicles), both of which rely on visual algorithms to optimize the scene quality captured by the lens. Long distance and wide angle requirements Weed monitoring: Drones need to accurately monitor crops at a long distance (several meters to tens of meters) through high-resolution lenses. Use a wide-angle lens to cover a large area of farmland while ensuring clear imaging of the center and edge. Car lens: Panoramic camera and rearview lens head also have wide-angle characteristics, and wide-angle lens technology can be directly used for reference in both.     3. Future trends Technology convergence Collaborative development of AI algorithms: In weed monitoring and automatic driving, the combination of AI technology and optical lenses is the core driving force. In the future, a universal lens can be developed to support both agricultural target recognition and in-vehicle ADAS systems. Multispectral imaging system: The demand for multi-spectrum in the agricultural field overlaps with the demand for infrared technology in in-vehicle night vision systems, reducing research and development and production costs by sharing core technologies. Modularity lens design The modularity lens can be adapted to different devices (such as drones and cars), and can quickly switch between scenes by replacing a few components. For example, a basic lens module can use ordinary spectra when monitoring farmland, and add a night vision expansion module to the in-vehicle system. Material and process optimization Popularization of aspherical lenses: Aspherical lenses have been widely used in automobiles, which can significantly reduce weight and improve imaging quality. They can be directly applied to agricultural lenses in the future. Coating technology upgrade: Anti-fog and anti-glare coating in car lenses can improve the applicability of agricultural lenses in morning dew and strong sunlight.  
    Nov 15, 2024 消息
  • Development direction and market prospect of optical lens
    With the continuous progress of science and technology, the optical lens industry has made remarkable development in the direction of high performance, miniaturization and intelligence. According to market research data, the global optical lens market size is about 22.5 billion US dollars in 2023, and is expected to exceed 34 billion US dollars in 2028, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.5% [Source: Market research agency data]. Optical lenses are widely used in the fields of smart phones, security monitoring, autonomous driving and smart home, and the continued growth of these high-demand areas is driving the rapid expansion of the optical lens market. This paper will deeply discuss the main technical development direction and future trend of optical lenses.   First, the high performance of optical lenses The improvement of optical lens performance is the key to the core competitiveness of the optical industry. In the consumer electronics and automotive sectors, the demand for high resolution, high light transmission and low light performance of lenses is increasing. According to statistics, the average resolution of the global smartphone camera in 2023 reached 64 MP, and the on-board camera of high-end models reached about 150 MP, reflecting the continuous growth of the market demand for high-resolution optical lenses [Source: Smartphone and Automotive Market analysis].   High resolution and large aperture design: In terms of high resolution camera technology, with the popularity of sensors above 1 inch, lens design needs to have higher resolution and large aperture to match sensor performance. For example, in security cameras, large aperture designs (such as f/1.8 and lower) can improve light absorption at night and improve imaging in low light. Anti-glare and multi-layer coating technology: The latest anti-glare and multi-layer coating technologies, such as VIKUITI® coating, can reduce glare by up to 95% and improve contrast. This is crucial in the field of in-car cameras and outdoor surveillance, enabling the lens to provide clear images in high-light reflective environments. Second, lens miniaturization and lightweight With the increasing demand for portable devices and unmanned equipment, miniaturization and lightweight have become an important development direction for optical lenses. According to statistics, the global micro optical lens market is expected to reach 8 billion US dollars in 2025, with an annual growth rate of nearly 10% [Source: Micro lens Market Analysis]. Smart phones, drones, robots and other devices on the lens size and weight requirements are increasing year by year, prompting the design of optical lenses tend to miniaturize.   Miniature lenses and modular design: Miniaturization and modular design help optical lenses to be more easily integrated into smart devices, such as in the latest smartphone camera modules, micro-lenses are stacked and arranged to achieve integrated imaging functions of telephoto, wide Angle and ultra-wide Angle in a limited space. Lightweight materials and low power design: In micro devices such as wearables, the weight and power consumption of optical lenses become important factors affecting the user experience. The lightweight aspherical lens and low-power lens control chip design can reduce battery consumption by more than 10% and extend the battery life of the device. Third, intelligent and automated functions In recent years, optical lenses have continuously integrated AI and automation technology in the field of image processing, so that the lens has intelligent perception, object recognition and adaptive scene functions. According to the data, the AI-driven optical lens market is expected to reach $5 billion by 2028, with an annual growth rate of more than 12% [Source: AI Optical Lens Market Analysis]. This enhancement of intelligent capabilities is particularly applicable to areas such as autonomous driving, smart home and security monitoring. Autofocus and face recognition technology: Many of the latest optical lenses are equipped with machine learning-based autofocus and face recognition capabilities with an accuracy of more than 98%. In security and intelligent access control, the lens can automatically track moving objects and identify them, greatly improving security efficiency. Depth perception and 3D modeling: Lenses equipped with 3D TOF (Time of Flight) sensors can capture depth information in real time, playing a key role in robot visual navigation, unmanned ranging, 3D modeling and other fields. For example, current depth-sensing technology can identify object distances with millimeter-level accuracy, helping autonomous driving systems detect obstacles more precisely. Fourth, future trend: multi-function integration and low-cost manufacturing Multifunctional integration and low-cost manufacturing are the future development focus of optical lenses. Through innovative manufacturing techniques and the application of new materials, the cost of optical lenses is falling, while the functional integration is constantly improving. Market data shows that the annual growth rate of multi-function lenses is expected to reach 13% between 2023 and 2028, especially in the field of driverless and smart home [Source: Multi-function Lenses Market Research].   Multi-sensor integration: With the rise of emerging technologies such as 5G and the Internet of Things, multi-sensor integrated lenses are gradually becoming popular. In drones, robotics and other applications, lenses that integrate infrared, thermal, optical imaging and other functions can more efficiently acquire environmental information. Such lenses could also help autonomous vehicles better identify pedestrians, vehicles and other road information. Optical plastics and liquid lenses: The application of liquid lenses and optical plastic materials is reducing the manufacturing cost of optical lenses by about 20%. The liquid lens uses an electric field to control the focal length, which is fast and small, making it suitable for smartphones and small monitoring devices. Conclusion The future development direction of optical lenses will be deeply explored around high performance, intelligence and multi-function integration. Under the current global trend of increasing demand for smart devices and automation technology, the market potential for optical lenses is huge. The optical lens industry will continue to benefit from technological advancements and market expansion to provide better imaging solutions for future areas such as autonomous driving, smart home and smart security.  
    Nov 14, 2024 消息


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